Proposed amended constitution to be presented on June 17th 2014

1. Title
The group will be called the ‘Friends of Alexandra Park’ (the Friends)
2. Purpose
The purpose of the Friends is to help keep Alexandra Park (the Park) attractive, well maintained and a distinctive green space with outstanding views over Bath and the surrounding area; accessible, used and valued by all sections of the community.
3. Membership
There will be no formal membership. Any individual may participate. Participation will also be open to any group or organisation, whether formerly constituted or not, which uses the park or its facilities or is affected by the management of or activities in the Park and to statutory bodies responsible for anything relating to the Park.
4. Governance
4.1. Annual meeting
An open meeting, which anyone may attend, will be held annually.
The meeting will elect –
a. a chairperson,
b. a vice-chairperson,
c. a secretary,
d. a treasurer,
e. an events sub-committee chairperson; and
f. people to fill any other positions deemed necessary for the running of the Friends.
Nominations for election must be sent to the secretary before the meeting. If there is more than one candidate for a position, an election will be held on the basis of one vote for each person present at the meeting who is entitled to vote.
Election will be for one year. An outgoing officer may not stand for re-election for the same office more than three times consecutively unless there is no other nomination for that office.
Bodies with a statutory responsibility for the Park will be invited to send representatives to attend the annual meeting but they will not be entitled to vote. The representatives will have the opportunity to make statements of any matter within their sphere of responsibility.
The outgoing chairperson, treasurer and any other executive committee member with specific responsibility will make a report to the annual meeting about activity during the preceding year.
The annual meeting will approve the constitution of the Friends and any amendments. Proposals to amend the constitution must be sent at least a month in advance of the annual meeting to the secretary.
4.2. Friends Committee
The Friends will be run by the elected officers together with those people willing to take an active part in the running of the Friends and in the organisation of activities.
This group will be called the Friends Committee.
The Friends Committee will meet as often as necessary chaired by the Friends chairperson and determine its own procedures.
4.3. Liaison Committee
The elected members of the Friends will meet with:-
• representatives of organisations and groups that use the Park or are affected by it;
• representatives of bodies with a statutory responsibility for the Park.
This group will be called the Liaison Committee
The Liaison Committee will meet as often as necessary chaired by the chairperson of the Friends. The secretary of the Friends will act as secretary. The Liaison Committee will decide how often it meets and determine its own procedures.
4.4. Finance
There will be no membership fees. All expenses will be met by donations, fund raising and income from activities.
The Friends Committee will be responsible for overseeing the management of any expenditure and fund raising by the Friends.
The treasurer will maintain accounts and present a report for the previous year to the annual meeting. The accounts will be independently audited by an auditor approved by the Friends Committee.
The Friends may apply for grants to support its work.
5. Dissolution
The Friends may be dissolved following a vote at the annual meeting. Any remaining funds will be donated to a registered charity determined at the final meeting.

Adopted at the annual public meeting held on: XXXXXX

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