Public Meeting 2015

The 6th Alexandra Park Friends annual public meeting held on 25th June at 7 pm in the Bowls Club


1. Introduction and adoption of agenda
2. Chairperson’s report
3. Treasurer’s report
4. Picnic-in-the-Park 2015
5. Election of officers for 2014/2015
6. Parking in the Poets and Alexandra Park – presentation of possible options by the BFA transport convener
7. Future plans
8. Any other business

Nominations for any Friends position (chair, deputy chair, secretary, events sub-committee chair, treasurer) should be sent to the secretary (e-mail ) by 24th June.

Some of the existing elected officers have been re-elected more than three times so there is an urgent need to find new people willing to stand. If you would like any information about what is involved, please contact the chair, Julian David ( or phone 01225465577)

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