2014 News

Temporary parking restrictions

Alexandra Park will be closed to vehicles on 30th November and 1st December to allow council workers unrestricted access to clear the leaves.

Autumn colours

Don’t miss the wonderful autumn colours!

Bird Life

Of the 14 bird boxes in the park, 8 have been nested in this year, compared to 6 last year. Sadly, one of them had been vandalised, but thanks to the efforts of Andrew Lawrence and Gary Luton, the remaining ones are now clean and ready for new occupants next spring.

Our local ‘bird man’ and RSPB representative John Yates commented:

Eight out of fourteen bird boxes nested in! Encouraging results – nearly 60%, better than many places. I haven’t seen much in the Park lately, mostly crows, jackdaws and pigeons. A small flock of birds in the SW corner last week looked like gold crests. About six weeks ago, there was a great kerfuffle at the back of the allotments as two ravens kept flying in and out of a tree. I wondered if they were prospecting. Ravens already nest in the city a short distance from the park and, as they are one of the early nesters, keep an eye out for them in February. They are as large as buzzards – look for their huge bills and wedge shaped tail and listen for their deep “Kronk” call.
The buzzards displayed off the Beechen Cliff again in the spring and were seen a couple of time catching earthworms in the park. It is suspected that they have nested on the cliff again.  During the summer, I saw a pair of stock doves a couple of times, an odd sparrow hawk and woodpecker and on one occasion, one of the young peregrines from St. John’s Church. It was obviously practising its hunting, and shot through in a blink of an eye. On another occasion there was a heron in a tree by the allotments. Herons are another early nester and the heronry by Widcombe Manor is visible from the park before the leaves on the trees come out and hide it. Nut hatches are in and around the park and were very voluble in the spring, but when not calling are hard to find as they forage in the canopy. These were bright spots in a period of unfortunately low bird activity.
Many birds are now feeding on berries of various sorts, whilst others like jays are stocking up larders of nuts (especially acorns), both of which are lacking in the park. The one nut which does occur is beech mast but trees do not produce it every year. This doesn’t appear to be much of a mast year so we are unlikely to see many chaffinches or bramblings this winter, unless they find the grass seed from the patches you let grow long. This lack of autumn and winter food is why I would like to see some trees with berries and fruit up in the park.
A useful addition would be an owl box for tawny owls, as there are some in the area (they are an owl that inhabits towns and they are spread right across Bath). Listen out for them in December and January. I have seen and heard them in Greenway Lane and at the bottom of Entry Hill.
I’m fairly sure the eggs you retrieved from one of the nests you found whilst cleaning the bird boxes are Blue Tit eggs.
November 2016.

Thank you
to all those who came to watch the fireworks at the Rec from the top of Beechen Cliff, and who contributed to the Rotary Club’s charity collection. A total of £269.72 was raised. Bath Samaritans and Bath MS Society will be the main beneficiaries.

GoodGym’s Good Deed

Thanks are due to GoodGym Bath, who in October managed to do a litter-pick for us in the dark! Armed with head torches and bin bags, they tackled the litter after running up 118 steps from Holloway and before a workout of killer squats!

Goodgym Bath


There has been an increase in vandalism in the park. Benches have been broken, as has the flagpole, and the railings around the road have been damaged too. If you see illegal activity taking place in the park, please report it to the Police non-emergency number – 101.


Once again, the park has won a Green Flag Award for 2016/17 (although sadly, our flag pole has since been vandalised and the flag stolen). This year, the park was also given an ‘Outstanding’ rating by the ‘In Your Neighbourhood’ Scheme. These awards are a credit to BANES Parks Department, but also to the efforts of the Alexandra Park Friends, who pick up litter, tend the wild flower beds and do other general maintenance work. We are always on the lookout for new helpers. See the ‘Events’ page for details.

John Toplis

We were very sad to hear of the death in August of John Toplis, one of the regular Friends volunteers. Amongst other activities, John planted a lot of spring bulbs, and these will provide a beautiful seasonal reminder of his dedication and hard work.

Unauthorised bench plaques

Many of the benches in the park are sponsored by people who want to remember loved ones. The majority of these benches display a memorial plaque with a personal dedication inscribed. Alexandra Park Friends fully support this practice and if you are interested in sponsoring your own bench please contact the BANES Parks Department for further information.

However, please note that Alexandra Park Friends do not support anyone who adds their own plaque to a sponsored bench. We consider it to be disrespectful and unacceptable and we will report any such action to the authorities.

Picnic in the Park 2016

Beautiful weather, and a good time was had by all. See the pictures on the Events page.

Crowds enjoying Picnic 2016 (1)


 Annual Public Meeting 2016

This was held at the Bowls Club on June 9th. For full details, see the Friends tab

Green Shoots Planting Day a Great Success

Volunteers both young and not-so-young turned out on Saturday 2nd April to scatter wild flower seeds on freshly prepared flower beds and to plant spring bulbs along the cliff path.

Youngsters scatter wild flower seeds in Alexandra Park.A selection of wild flower seeds were provided by BANES, and Alexandra Park Friends provided drinks, home-made cakes and biscuits for the volunteers.

Bulb planting along the cliff path.Along the cliff path, we planted:

208 Bluebell plugs
416 Wild Garlic plugs
30 Primrose plants
100 Cyclamen Hederifolium.

More will be planted in the autumn, so by next spring the cliff path should be transformed!

Many thanks to BANES for providing all the plants, and to Paul Pearce for masterminding it all (and for making all the holes for us to pop the plugs into).

Why not come along to our next volunteer action days – May 7th, June 4th and July 2nd? Meet at 9.30am near the main gate. Everyone welcome!


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