Public Meeting June 2011


1.   Introduction  and adoption of Agenda
Apologies from Malcolm Ashman. It was noted that a representative from the Parks Dept   not present. Julian David welcomed those present to the first AGM of the Forum.

2.    Chairman’s report
Julian introduced the Members of the Forum, highlighted the lack of a rep for children’s  interests, and recapped on the general aims of the Forum.
He then outlined the Forums achievements to date, including improvements of the parks maintenance, increased nos of bins, better signage, installation of the Notice Board, and organising the Festival on July 11th. Issues still outstanding include uncertainty of park locking times, general horticultural improvements with possible liaison with the Wildlife Trust, and improvements to footpaths.
He also talked about the promotion of the Park for Green Flag status, entry of the Park in South West in Bloom, the regional heat of the Britain in Bloom competition, organised by the Royal Horticultural Society, and the need for more funding for further initiatives.

3.   Treasures report
Don Grimes circulated a summary of the current financial position, showing a current balance of £850, however this entire sum has been allocated to Festival Activities. Fundraising was discussed, including the suggestion of a house to house collection.

4.   Election of Officers
Julian David was re-elected Chairman, Jan Prior was re-elected Secretary
Geoffrey Lee volunteered to help with the Treasurers role and was elected.

5.   Festival
Don Grimes outlined the plans for the Festival, emphasising the need for more volunteer helpers on the day and gazebos for the bands and other activities. He reported that Fidelis (Letting Agency) is sponsoring the Stage.
The Forum logo was chosen from over 30 by voting, The winning entry was designed         by Esperanza Isaacs.

6.   Future Plans
Communication: Julian David reported that thanks to generosity of Richard Longhurst, the Forum now had its own web site ( It was suggested that links should be made to Twitter and Facebook. Also better communication was suggested with local residents using emails already collected and more to be collected at the Festival.
Wildlife: agreed that John Tucker could be consulted about planting and wildlife promotion generally (Prior Park Garden Centre), also Widcombe Gardening Circle.
Problems with gaps in the hedge near the allotments will be raised by the Forum at the next Committee meeting.

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